Problem: Too many gaps that not only hurts productivity but also relationships. There are many things that you do subconsciously which is usually missed while working Remote.
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Problem: Too many gaps that not only hurts productivity but also relationships. There are many things that you do subconsciously which is usually missed while working Remote.
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Communication is the key when it comes to remote work. In order to bridge the communication gap first we must understand what all ways we communicate in office which often gets missed in remote environment.
Productive Work meetings
Small celebrations when things work
Pat on the back to your colleagues when they do something great
Shout outs
Side conversations around the water cooler
Chit-chat over Lunch
Conversations with your bff when you go for a walk
Body Language
Asking almost everyone: How've you been? without expecting radical answers
Eye Contact + nod of head
Now most of the time, people think communication needs to be solved just for productivity. You'll come across a bunch of content over the internet around Asynchronous communication, documentation, using videos et el but even if you're productive, what if you don't find satisfaction in that work? What's the point?
Communication is one of the key values that you need to have if you're going remote. It's almost impossible to work in a company in long run if you don't feel that you're a part of that culture or tribe. So let's decode that here.
Remember that you don't just go to office to work, you also go there to get a sense of belongingness. And if you don't belong anywhere, you'll be lost.
So as a team, everyone would have to make conscious efforts to not only keep the org productive but also make sure that your colleagues feel your presence in their day to day life. Let's look at everything that you need to master in order to get there.
We'll learn about overcoming most of these gaps in the following sections:
OvercommunicateSynchronous CommunicationAsynchronous Communication